Go Red for Women

Go Red Auction
Sponsored by Usibelli Coal Mine

We are so excited to introduce mobile bidding
for the silent auction at this year's Go Red!

Wi-Fi made possible by GCI


If you have items to donate or are interested in joining the Go Red Auction Committee, please contact Wendie MacNaughton at 374-2927 or Wendie.MacNaughton@heart.org


2016-17 Go Red Auction Committee

Chair:  Kelli Powers

Alexa Greene

Andrea Head

Angie Tallant

Ashley Holan

Becky Zaverl

Beth Austin

Carol Tompkins 

Christina Stepovich 

Crissy Haman

Debbi Miller

Elizabeth Schok

Geri Simon
Jennie Hafele
Jewel Addison
Jodi Blakley

Joni Stumpe

Karen Conover
Keli Hite McGee
Kim Brandenburg
Krystal Wester
Lacy Chruch
Lauren Leonard

Laurie Keyes

Lisa Sundborg

Lorna Shaw

Marisa Sharrah

Meadow Bailey

Michelle Renfrew
Patrice Case
Patricia Silver

Patty Weaver
Randi Wells
Robyn Nielko
Sara Johnson

Sharita Mabie

Sharon Boko

Susan Redlin

Terri Froese

Tracy Vanairsdale

Macy's and CVS

Event Information
Friday - February 10, 2017

Carlson Center - 2010 2nd Avenue

Morning Program:  
8:30 am - 11:00 am
- Health Education Seminars
 - Bistro Breakfast & Latte Bar
 - Health Screenings & Expo
 - Red Carpet Photos
 - Shopping at the Auction Gallery

Luncheon Program:  
:15 am - 1:00 pm
Featuring Keynote Speaker
    Amber Thiel - International Speaker,
    Author, Personal Trainer,
Former College Professor
of Human Nutrition and Wellness

2017 Men's Go Red Breakfast
Thursday - February 9, 2017
Carlson Center
7:30 am - 8:30 am