Go Red for Women


Registration for the event is closed.


Event Information
Friday - February 12, 2016

Carlson Center - 2010 2nd Avenue

Morning Program:  
8:30 am - 11:00 am
- Health Education Seminars
 - Bistro Breakfast & Latte Bar
 - Health Screenings & Expo
 - Red Carpet Photos
 - Shopping at the Auction Gallery
 - Spa & Beauty Lounge

Luncheon Program: 
:15 am - 1:00 pm
- Featuring Keynote Speaker
   Andrea Beaman - Top Chef, Author, TV
   Host of Fed Up! & Holistic Health Coach

2016 Men's Go Red Breakfast
Thursday - February 11, 2016
Carlson Center
7:30 am - 8:30 am