Go Red for Women

Open Your Heart

The American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women movement has been impacting the health of women for over 10 years.

Heart disease is a silent killer, claiming more lives than all forms of cancer combined. But with the right information, education and care, heart disease in women can be treatedprevented and even ended.

Now is the time to shout louder, stand stronger and demand change. The more women we tell, the more lives we can save. Make a donation TODAY. Together, we can raise our voices and wipe out heart disease.




Event Information
Friday - February 12, 2016

Carlson Center - 2010 2nd Avenue

Morning Program:  
8:30 am - 11:00 am
- Health Education Seminars
 - Bistro Breakfast & Latte Bar
 - Health Screenings & Expo
 - Red Carpet Photos
 - Shopping at the Auction Gallery
 - Spa & Beauty Lounge

Luncheon Program: 
:15 am - 1:00 pm
- Featuring Keynote Speaker
   Andrea Beaman - Top Chef, Author, TV
   Host of Fed Up! & Holistic Health Coach

2016 Men's Go Red Breakfast
Thursday - February 11, 2016
Carlson Center
7:30 am - 8:30 am